Names: Valerie & Michelle
Positions: Front Desk Receptionists
Fun fact: They love caring for our patients & we love them too!

Team Member Spotlight

Team Member Spotlight
Name: Dana
Position: Advanced Practice Nurse
Fun fact: Her & her husband were pulled over once by the state police on the highway & handcuffed; “for what they asked?” The officer said: “armed bank robbery!” Then the officer sent their pictures to the bank & the bank said: no that is not them. It was a brief case of mistaken identity!

PAINWeek - 2018 National Pain Conference
Our very own Advanced Practice Nurse: Mr. Forrest Galloway has just returned from the largest pain management conference in the nation called: PAIN WEEK. (The conference is held in Las Vegas once a year.) We are excited to hear from him what he learned new to be able to help our patients even more!

New “Mocek Spine Cafe” Break Room
We are officially announcing today the new “Mocek Spine Cafe” break room for our wonderful care team to rest & refuel in!

Dr. Nguyen Brought Dr. Mocek a Pineapple Cakes From Asia
At the end of his two week rotation in “proper & safe pain management” Dr. Nguyen brought Dr. Mocek a kind & gracious special gift of pineapple cakes from Asia. We learned these wonderfully tasty cakes are a tradition @ the annual harvest moon festivals they celebrate!

Our clinic has lost a few patients this year as we slowly taper the max opiate daily dose to a much safer level of 50 morphine equivalent dose or less. Keep in mind that the Mocek Spine Clinic...

Doctor Mocek Traveled to Rockford, Illinois
Doctor Mocek traveled to Rockford, Illinois this week on a peer to peer educational visit to learn more about the proper use of HF-10 Neurostimulation therapy for patients from an excellent instructor named Doctor Thomas Dahlberg!

We Just Got New Expanded Seating in Our Waiting Room
We just got new expanded seating in our waiting room for your comfort & convenience!

The Hidden Dangers of Benzodiazepine and Opiate Combinations
At The Mocek Spine Clinic, this year for safety, we are phasing our the use of opiates for pain relief in combination with benzodiazepines for anxiety. New data shows this can be a very risky combination. Therefore, our patients will no longer be allowed to remain on this combo. We are already beginning to prescribe safer alternatives!